an economic highway designed and driven by women
economic nodes (countries and industries), traversing geo-political boundaries
and receipting a significant portion of the expected
3 Trillion dollars
Africa can unlock just by trading with itself
We exist at the intersection of 3 key facts :
That Africa has great untapped potential – she is rising, she is alive with possibilities and her time is now!
Africa is formidable economic bloc – The establishment and implementation of the AfCFTA will create the largest trading block since the WTO, a single market of 1.3bn people in a $3.4 trillion economic bloc, creating free movement of people, traders and investments, increasing trade by more than 50% by 2022
Women hold the keys to Africa's future – 51% of Africa’s population are women and women make up 58 % the continent’s self-employed population. Africa’s needs her women needs women to thrive.
Oya Advisory is a specialist consultancy that works with entrepreneurs, corporates and government to scale women owned or led businesses to operate across the African continent. We use our wealth of experience, partnering with our clients from start to finish, to develop and execute effective strategies and high quality, scalable solutions. We offer the following suite of services:

Lebo Biko

Lebo is a seasoned strategy and marketing specialist, with over 20 years of strategy development and implementation experience, across a myriad of markets, industries as well as business functions. She uses her tapestry of experience in developing and executing business, marketing and communications strategies to help organisations become fit in the same areas. An experienced problem solver she enjoys working with organisations to (re)innovate or (re)define the next phase of their “s-curve” – from strategy refinement and focus through to business restructuring and market proposition development.
Lebo’s passion is for value proposition creation (the raison d’etre, lighthouse, red-thread, where all things begin) as well as customer experience design (the real battleground!). She has an unashamed bias towards helping SME's and most specifically a drive to help women take their rightful place in the economy, supporting them in enterprise establishment and growth
Rehema Isa

Rehema's career of more than 20 years encompasses finance, risk management, strategy, entrepreneurship and enterprise development. She is an International Finance Corporation (IFC) Business Edge® Trainer, certified as an International Labour Organisation Master Trainer in Expand Your Business and as an Expert in Women Entrepreneurship Development.
An experienced strategy consultant, leadership development practitioner and business coach with solid experience working in prestigious business schools, consulting to corporates, partnering with Development Finance organisations consulting to government institutions, as well as working with entrepreneurs. An experienced board level facilitator, she helps leadership teams think critically, creatively and constructively, through executive level strategic planning sessions, think-tanks and workshops. A strategic project implementor, she works with leaders to challenge the status quo while equipping management teams to navigate business unusual.
For any inquiries, questions or commendations, please send an email to: info@oya.company or fill out the following form
Contact Us
Head Office
Co.Space Entrepreneur Village
Brand Rd &, Swart Dr
President Park AH
To apply for a job with or internship with Oya, please send a cover letter together with your C.V. to: info@oya.company
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